MRI Streetwise - Why choose Streetwise? Anti-social behaviour<br data-lazy-src=

Why choose Streetwise? Anti-social behaviour

Streetwise ensures a consistent way of working for practitioners to help identify those at high risk and provide better support. It links victim details under the Home Office’s recommended vulnerability matrix to allow the full management of victim support cases and matches multiple complaints by the same victim.  It also helps in effectively managing the case to provide better support to the victim.

Directly linked to Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping and other reporting software, it visually displays patterns and trends to identify hotspots.

Streetwise identifies serial complainers, trouble makers or escalating behaviour to better manage the neighbourhood and provides controlled recording of incidents and the measures taken to tackle anti-social behaviour and support victims.  It fulfils the recommendations of serious case reviews of preventable deaths (such as the Pilkington and Askew cases) by displaying vulnerability data and full audit trails.

It records and links all calls and incidents – prioritises the victim and risk level to better safeguard community and its residents.

MRI Streetwise - Why choose Streetwise? Domestic abuse

Why choose Streetwise? Domestic abuse

Streetwise supports a consistent way of working to help identify those at high risk and who need referral to MARAC.  It has the ability to record results from the Safe Lives (Caada) Dash Risk Identification and has the capacity to record and upload detailed information about victims, perpetrators, any children involved, incidents, actions, customer feedback and associated costs.  By highlighting the history of a person or incident previously logged, it allows users to see patterns of repeat offenders and highlight both repeats and vulnerable victims

Teams can use Streetwise to collate the relevant information of the victim across all related cases and record MARAC outcomes.  The software clearly displays a victim’s current level of risk and assists the support worker in better safeguarding the victim to prevent an escalation in severity abuse.

Why choose Streetwise?

  • Designed by practitioners for practitioners

  • Supports neighbourhood teams to deliver an exceptional service

  • Easily share information with third parties

  • Streetwise is simply priced and fully supported in the UK

  • Service desk with staff available to provide real-time support

  • Fully GDPR and ISO27001 compliant

  • Always feel confident that legal requirements are fully met - protecting you from reputational damage and fines

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