
Improved data

Create an audit trail to demonstrate compliance with regulations and assess effectiveness of your staff and contractors.

Job planning

Gain complete oversight of your planned work schedule with the job planning chart.

Cost analysis

Establish the cost of individual tasks and schedule your planned work programme accordingly.

Gain a clear view of your tasks with the Planet Planned Maintenance work module

As a facilities or maintenance department, it is essential that you manage an effective planned maintenance and compliance schedule to reduce business interruption.

Our facilities management software provides all the tools you need to schedule and record planned inspections and services, giving you a clear oversight of when exactly each task is due and the cost implications. As a result, you can achieve extended asset life, a safer working environment and compliance with legal or statutory standards.


  • Sophisticated appointments scheduler to match workloads with resources.

  • Set job frequency, service procedures and who is contracted to do the work through the system.

  • Attach compliance certificates to assets and completed work.

  • Issue work order by paper, email or direct to a mobile device.

  • Group assets to save time when scheduling tasks.

  • Include special instructions with each job to ensure all necessary tasks are completed.

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