Industry Event June 22-23, 2021

RICS Residential Property Conference 2021

  • Industry Event
  • June 22-23, 2021
  • -
  • RICS subscription
  • Online

Exploring the theme of “home” delving into impacts and trends in the UK residential sector.

“Home” has been one of the central themes of the coronavirus pandemic. Staying home, working from home and home schooling have expanded the role housing plays in the lives of most people. However, what will this look like moving forward? Will we all rush back to the office when doors finally open, or will we want to remain in the relative safety of our homes for longer, or will work become truly flexible, blending home and the office in a way that is truly sustainable?

Meanwhile away from the impact of COVID, some of the issues that the residential sector has faced over the past few years remain, fire safety, building quality, and environmental sustainability, have not gone away during the pandemic. How can we address these key issues going forward? Can we learn from the mistakes of the past to ensure that the new homes that we build are suitable for future generations?

The RICS Residential Property Conference 2021 will look at tackling these, and many more, challenges that the sector is facing today. The conference will provide a platform for policymakers, economists, and business leaders to share their views and concerns to reach conclusions that will help the nation and the Residential Property industry.

We are thrilled to be part of the conference. You can catch Trevor Youens, Senior Director of Residential and Partnerships at MRI Software, as part of the speaking agenda –

Date: Wednesday 23rd June 2021
Time: 11.45am
Session: Proptech – Future Homes
Trevor joins Steve Morris, Property Programme Lead at RICS to discuss digital transformation of the property industry and how tech is being used to respond to the changing requirements of residents.

You can also catch us at our virtual event booth where our team will be on hand for conversations with downloadable information you can takeaway and share.

For more information on how you can be there, please click here.

You can learn more about our residential solutions here.

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