End-to-end FM software for schools, academies, colleges and universities

Whether you are a bursar at a school or a facilities manager at a multi-campus university, we know you are being tasked to do more with less.

A dedicated FM system for the education sector brings significant time and cost efficiencies, and ensures the student experience is not impacted by maintenance issues.

Our software is used extensively across the education sector. Intuitive and easy to use, the solution can be tailored to suit your specific requirements and budget.

Trusted by some of the UK’s leading schools, academies, colleges and universities, including Cambridge University, Sherborne School and Royal Holloway University, our end-to-end solution can help you meet your targets.


  • Easily identify where you can make cost-savings within your organisation using advanced Business Intelligence.

  • Automate labour-intensive administrative tasks to save time for your facilities management team.

  • Deal with reactive jobs more efficiently with an effective helpdesk.

  • Reduce costly breakdowns with a detailed planned maintenance schedule.

  • Cut out the paper trail and store all your estates information, maintenance history and more in a single central repository.

  • Ensure health and safety compliance with dedicated functionality.

  • Manage all your service providers and contractors from a single location.

  • Keep track of materials, ranging from spare parts for maintenance to office stationery supplies.

Let's Connect

Learn more about how our open and connected facilities management solutions can help manage workforces across all industries.

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